About the Nom de Plume



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  (ăb-strūs, əb-) adj.
Difficult to understand; deep

Single and overanalytical woman from California. Damsel in distress…NOT. A daydreamer who is in constant battle with mirth, agony, and compromises of her hectic life.

I always enjoy reading people’s blogs because they range from the mundane to the craziest ones. It is amazing to see everyone’s personality coming out in the form of text. The blogosphere offers another form of amusement for me….another way to relax and forget about the madness of the day. So I thought to myself, “Why not create one about YOU?”

There is no specific mindset in this blog for this brunette is a firm believer that variety is the spice of life. My open-mindedness allows me to accept possibilities of just about anything. I am also very moody (I guess that goes for most women), so my writings should reflect my mood for the day. Now that sounds fun.

Happy reading!

Yours truly,

Abstruse Brunette ♥



7 responses to “About the Nom de Plume

  1. Looking good and I agree about the different blogs. I have become addicted and now have several I read everyday. It is like being able to stare at someone or looking into their situations without ppl getting mad at me for being nosey. If you get a chance come check me out too.

  2. The interesting thing about you abstruse brunette is, you are not abstruse neither a difficult person you are the kind of person one relishes to be with, cause you talk sense and details which make things illuminate in their own radiance and buoyancy.

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